Don't Speak - Dance! - Psylo Fashion

"Don't Speak–Dance!": The Origin of Psylo's

About the Beginning of Psylo and How It All Started

You've probably read this already before -

“Psylo emerged from underground subcultures, the music festival scene and life of travel”.

But what does it mean? How did Psylo actually start?

Marking our 20th anniversary, we're excited to share with you more details about Psylo's origin;

Over 20 years ago, two friends who later became Psylo’s founders - had a mutual passion. They were travelling the world, exploring alternative lifestyles and expanding their minds. They were looking for a way to sustain their passion while making a living and spreading their values of free expression and collective consciousness. At the time, the digital nomad lifestyle didn’t exist yet… While the emerging festivals scene was thirsty for clothing to match its lifestyle. Out of this need - the Psylo concept started flowing, forming...

Don't Speak - Dance! - Psylo Fashion

Exploring. Worldwide, late 1990's.

In the summer of 1999, Psylo's founders packed their van with original backdrops and unique clothing they'd collected on their travels around Asia. Their journey through the European markets, lead them to the life-changing experience which was the 'Eclipse Festival' at Ozora, Hungary. After the festival ended, their stock was sold out and their minds were totally blown away. Any of you who've been to an eclipse gathering, or other electric dancefloor - will know the feeling! Transformed by the experience, Ami and Dan felt the need to push forward their creative project.

Psylo fashion festival wear early years

Psylo's Festivals Shop at 'Ozora' Eclipse Festival, 1999.

One of Dan and Ami’s favourite places which they came across on their travels was Bali, Indonesia. The welcoming local community with its rich history of co-existence - was their main attraction to the place. Bali also happens to be thriving with local traditions of arts and crafts. With the help of skilled craftsmen and women, Psylo’s founders designed a small collection of original, alternative and comfortable clothing. Clothes to suit their and their emerging community’s lifestyles.

Don't Speak - Dance! - Psylo Fashion

With Friends at Mentawai, Indonesian Island of Siberut 1996-1998.

The first Psylo collection was launched at Earthcore’s Millennium party in Australia. From there, Dan and Ami continued to the summer festivals circus in Europe. Bringing their unique small collection and style to the first psy festivals which were being established at the time. The Psylo festivals shop back then (as it is now!), wasn’t just about clothes. It was first and foremost about good vibes. It also had unique psychedelic backdrops decorating the shop’s walls. Psylo’s motto back then used to be “Don’t Speak - Dance!”.

Psylo fashion 1st collection launch Australia 2000 Earthcore Millennium Party1st Psylo Collection Launch at 'Earthcore' Millennium Party, Australia 2000.

The unique clothing, art and attitude of Psylo quickly grabbed attention. After seeing the Psylo shop at Boom Festival 2000, Ami and Dan were invited to create bespoke decorations, for the Eclipse party in Zambia, in 2001. The full solar eclipse on the land of Mama Africa, and the level of local community involvement - all made this truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Making it a life-changing moment for all who attended.

Psylo Fashion festival wear at Zambia Eclipse party 2001Traveling in Africa & The Eclipse Gathering. Zambia, 2001.

Psylo fashion backdrop psy decor Zambia Eclipse party 2001Backdrops Decor by Psylo for Eclipse Gathering, Zambia, 2001.

From this point on, there was no looking back! Psylo kept developing, travelling around the world and trading at their favourite festivals. Journeying around Europe in their VW, Ami and Dan even took Psylo to Ibiza. Who guessed back then, that one day there would be a Psylo flagship shop at the heart of Ibiza town?! As the first Psylo concept shop was only opened a few years later - in 2006…

Psylo Fashion festival wear nomadic lifestyle Ibiza

On The European Festival Circuit & Ibiza, early 2000's.

Shortly after, Dan and Ami decided to set up the Psylo factory in Bali, Indonesia. Consolidating all aspects of creating the Psylo clothing under one roof. By overseeing all aspects of production, Psylo could keep pushing boundaries, while treating fairly and respecting our workers and environment alike.

The journey Psylo has gone through over the last 20 years has been immense! We feel grateful for all the magical moments, the support of the Psylo family, new and old friends, life experiences and everything which it taught us. Most of all, we want to take this opportunity to thank you - any of you who wear Psylo or support us in so many wonderful ways. This journey wouldn’t have been possible without you. Thank you for your support!

For many more years to come xXx

Love, Psylo Team

Psylo Top bought at Ozora festival 2001

Psylo Top bought at Ozora Festival 2001, photo taken at Ozora Festival 2019.

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1 comment

I’ve loved Psylo from the moment I bought my first pair of party leggings back in 1998/99 at Glade Festival in the UK. Their style is unique and perfectly reflects the freedom or expression found in the Psytrance scene; easy to groove, sexy, fun, unique and wild :) Since then I have continued to update my Psylo wardrobe along with kitting out my boyfriend completely and I still have Psylo sticker on the window of my kitchen haha. Love you guys, thank you for the amazing work and bring back some of the old styles when you get a chance. Kate (Ozzie in the UK) xx

Kate Morsley

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