The Psylo family is made with our teams in design, production and retail. We're lucky to have a bunch of talented individuals and amazing humans in our global family. The people working at Psylo are as diverse as our clothing! Our motto is "a smile is the same in every language" :) Get to know the people who make your Psylo clothing and the friendly faces you met upon visiting our worldwide shops.
Our Design & Production Team
'Who Make Your Clothes?'
Proudly presenting the amazing people making your Psylo clothing. Giving you exclusive behind-the-scenes access. Come have a look inside “where the magic happens” and meet our team in action, in this exclusive premiere:
To help you get to know the people who make your Psylo clothing, and the people who help you style your best look - we've asked our team to answer a few questions. Here you can find their answers;

Mas Mat
Production Manager
Since 2008
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What do I do at Psylo?
I manage the production planning and schedules, the quality aspects, and communication with our external factories.
Past experience:
I was working as a production manager for another company before
What I like about working at Psylo:
My background:
Always worked in garment
The values that drive me:
Never give up
What I enjoy doing when not working:
Spending time with my family, and fishing.
Favourite quote:
“Being stressed because of your job is better than not having a job” Favourite music:
Indonesian music
Favourite festivals:
Music concerts and festivals in Bali
Favourite Psylo:

I Gede Novayana Saputra
Pattern & Samples
Since 2021
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What do I do at Psylo?
Making new samples for the new collections. Making and Grading the patterns.
Past experience:Making patterns & Cut for Hotel Uniform
What I like about working at Psylo:
The feeling of Togetherness and Kinship is very good.
My background:
Born and raised in Bali (Balinese). Single and still searching.
The values that drive me:
Something that Psylo's customers have to deal with, that I want to fix:
Make sure the sample is correct before the production process.
What I enjoy doing when not working:
Go to the gym and Vacation
Favourite quote:
“Whatever you are, be a good one”
Favourite podcasts/books:
Podcast Close the Door (by Deddy Corbuzier)
Favourite music:
Ariel Noah
Favourite festivals:
Pesta Kesenian Bali
Favourite Psylo:

Made Reget Sejati
Since 2008
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What do I do at Psylo?
I do the screen printing for the production, the samples, and also the product preparation for the printing.
Past experience:
I used to be a painter
What I like about working at Psylo:
Proud to work for a company that cares about the environment and its employees
My background:
I come from a family of Balinese artists
What I enjoy doing when not working:
I love going home and play with my pets.
Favourite quote:
“Always do you best and let god do the rest”
Favourite music:
Balinese Angklung. This music blends with nature and makes me feel peaceful
Favourite festivals:
PORSENI Bali, it's a festival dedicated to sports and arts, that lasts a week in Bali, every year.
Favourite Psylo:

Shoki Nasseri
Designer & Stylist
2005 - 2023

Ami Ganiel
Co-Founder & Creative Director
Since 1999
- ◄more about
For the interview with Psylo's founders, click here.
What do I do at Psylo?
Co-Owner, head of design...etc...
Past experience:
I have no credentials and have no idea how I ended up here with a clothing brand.
What I like about working at Psylo:
The creative process.
Something that Psylo's customers have to deal with, that I want to fix:
Dissatisfaction with any of our products
What I enjoy doing when not working:
Martial arts, mainly Kung fu (tai-chi & qi-gong), but not only. I love studying, lately Chinese philosophy & medicine, spending time with my kids, and travelling...
Favourite quote: Love quotes and do not favour any specifically
Top 3 favourite books:
Well-written books!!! and in general, I love biographies, history....facts....and at the same time I love science fiction and fantasies... I am less into everyday drama stories
Favourite music:
If u want to know me better, then here it is... A favorite colour, food, music, or book???? I don't have those, never did, and never really got this favourite thing, so all I can say is, That my favourites in any part of life is when it done well !!
Favourite Psylo:
It changes every season and collection... my favourites at the moment are the Baldur shorts for the day with Batik Tee, the Bogolan jumper for the bike in the evenings and the Geisha kaftan for going out

Dan Keller
Co-Founder & Director
Since 1999
- ◄more about
- For the interview with Psylo's founders, click here.

Made Tini
Quality Control Manager
Since 2014
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What do I do at Psylo?
In charge of the QC team
Past experience:
I was working as a QC employee in another company before
What I like about working at Psylo:
I love my job and my colleagues
My background:
I always worked in garment factories
The values that drive me:
I am a hard-working person
Something that Psylo's customers have to deal with, that I want to fix:
The quality issues of course...
What I enjoy doing when not working:
At home, resting, and spending time with my family.
Favourite books:
I like reading novels
Favourite music:
Pop Music
Favourite festivals:
Music and dance festivals in Bali
Favourite Psylo:

Production Director
Since 1999
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What do I do at Psylo?
Manage all the divisions.
Past experience:
Quality Control
What I like about working at Psylo:
Good Teams
My background:
The values that drive me:
My value of life & Family.
Something that Psylo's customers have to deal with, that I want to fix:
The quality of the product... Sometimes the product found with some reject.
What I enjoy doing when not working:
Stay at home & playing with my kids.
Favourite quote:
"Always grateful"
Favourite books:
Book recipe, Interior magazine.
Favourite music:
Pop Music
Favourite festivals:
Music Festival, Ed Sheeran & U2
Favourite Psylo:
Our Skirts

Production General Manager
Since 2018
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What do I do at Psylo?
I manage the day to day life in the factory, the communication between our partners and the factory, the orders, costs calculation, finances, and sometimes... the problems! :D
Past experience:
I worked for 3.5 years in another clothing company in Bali before working at Psylo. Before that, I was a banker in France
What I like about working at Psylo:
Team work, with amazing people and the freedom I have in my work
My background:
Accounting and management at university, 5 years in a bank, and now 5 years in the fashion industry
The values that drive me:
honesty, loyalty, friendship
Something that Psylo's customers have to deal with, that I want to fix:
Quality issues
What I enjoy doing when not working:
Playing music, drums with my band, and also playing golf
Favourite music:
I love metal music. My favourite band is Metallica
Favourite festivals:
Music festivals, such as Rock am Ring in Germany, or Hell Fest in France
Favourite Psylo:
Zentangle tee is the best tee shirt ever!

Production Office Manager
Since 2007
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What do I do at Psylo?
Manage office operation, prepare production from material, dyeing etc.
Past experience:
I was part of a staff production at another company
What I like about working at Psylo:
My background:
The values that drive me:
"Provision comes not to lazy man"
Something that Psylo's customers have to deal with, that I want to fix:
Give discount if the item is damaged.
What I enjoy doing when not working:
Being with my family, sleeping and shopping.
Favorite quote:
“Enjoy my life”
Favorite movies:
Alladin, Avenger
Favorite music:
Westlife, MLTR
Favorite festivals:
Fashion Festival
Favorite Psylo:
the Dresses

Graphic Designer
Since 2010
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What do I do at Psylo?
Create artworks, line sheets, photo editing, control the print and samples production, promotional items such as flyers, stickers...
Past experience:
I was Art director at a magazine company.
What I like about working at Psylo:
It is like a family, without any strict rules, but we are still productive and work responsibly. We are concerned about the environment and use as much recycled or organic products as possible.
My background:
My parents are artists (painters) and I studied visual communication at university.
The values that drive me:
What I enjoy doing when not working:
Learning new things, such as using new software for design. But also spend time wandering around Bali with my family.
Favourite quote:
“A strong hope can make your dream come true”
Favourite music:
Avenged Sevenfold
Favourite Psylo:

Stock & Logistics Manager
Since 2007
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What do I do at Psylo?
In charge of all the cargo and shipping documents, the stickers/hangtags on the clothes, in charge of our factory stock, as well as our shop stock here in Bali.
Past experience:
I started at Psylo doing Quality Control, then after a few years, got promoted to the logistics and stock.
What I like about working at Psylo: I like the people I work with, there is a warm ambiance, and I am happy to work as a team
My background:
Major in accounting from high school
The values that drive me:
I love learning new things, and want to be successful in what I do.
Something that Psylo's customers have to deal with, that I want to fix:
I like helping our customers in our Bali shop, for example when a customer wants to have a pair of pants fitted, we bring the pants back to the factory, service it, and bring it back the next day... They are usually very satisfied
What I enjoy doing when not working:
Spend time with my family, and play with my daughter.
Favourite quote:
“Be the best and never give up”
Favourite book:
Chicken soup for the soul
Favourite music:
Westlife, Backstreet Boys
Favourite Psylo:

Graphic Designer
Since 2017
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What do I do at Psylo?
Create artworks, style configuration, line sheets, photo and video editing, promotional visuals such as flyers, stickers, posters etc
Past experience:Previously working as a graphic designer at Hotel in Bali.
What I like about working at Psylo:
Supportive people at work and healthy environment.
Something that Psylo's customers have to deal with, that I want to fix:
Match the colours of the webshop images with the actual style display. Sometimes the appearance of the colour misses.
My background:
Born and raised in a Big City (Jakarta), and moved to Bali Island to find peace in my life. About 7 years since I moved here, and I'm living a happy life - I got married and had children.
The values that drive me:
Honesty and courage.
What I enjoy doing when not working:
Workout at the gym and playing Futsal. And sometimes I make Music or do cover singing.
Favourite quote:
"Being different is better than being Better"
Top 3 favourite books:
- The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
- Making Comics by Scott Mccloud
- 101 Things to Do Before You're Old and Boring by Richard Horne and Helen Szirtes
Favourite music:
Japan music : L'arc-en Ciel, Mika Nakashima, Do as Infinity, Orange Range, Eve, Official HIGEDAN-dism, Acid Black Cherry, Hiroyuki Sawano, Tetsuya.
Western : Owl City, Good Charlotte, Jonas Brothers, Madeon.
Local Indonesian : Maliq & D'essentials, Hindia, Hivi, Ardhito Pramono, Mondo Gascaro.
Favourite festivals:
Soundrenaline Rock Festival, AFA-Anime Festival Asia
Favourite Psylo:
Off Vest, Shinobi Jacket, Sus tee, Onomik Kaftan, Kimono Kaftan, Asli Vest, Lama Pants, Deck Pants, Doshi Pants

Fatimatul Zahra
Social Media Manager
Since 2023
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What do I do at Psylo?
Social media creation, curating and community
Past experience:
I have always worked in social media.
What I like about working at Psylo:
Workflow and environment
My background:
Communication Science
The value that drives me:
What I enjoy doing when not working:
Gym and Traveling
Favorite quote:
"Life is too important to be taken seriously."
Favorite music:
Favorite festivals:
Burning Man
Favorite Psylo:

Daniel Myles Bartlett
Since 2023
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What do I do at Psylo?
Design menswear, product developments, direct our graphics & social media teams including local advertising, event organisation, composing music and much more.
Past experience:
20+ years in Fashion & Marketing (working for Levis, Salomon, Converse, Jack&Jones, Pepsi, Mercedes Benz, Superdry, The Northface, and other world-known brands).
What I like about working at Psylo:
Sustainability & community.
Something that Psylo's customers have to deal with, that I want to fix:
Fitting & sizing issues for online retail.
The values that drive me:
Honesty, Integrity, Knowledge
My background:
I’m an international Nomad. Originally from the UK, over the past 20 years I lived in Vietnam, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Belgium and the Netherlands.
What I enjoy doing when not working:
Composing & playing music, philosophy, exploring Indonesia.
Favourite quote:
”Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months” - Oscar Wilde.
Favourite books:
Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky and Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche
Favourite music:
Everything from the Ramones to Aphex twin & Debussy.
Favourite festival:
Reading Festivalm, UK.
Favourite Psylo:
I have the Zentangle tee, which I Indigo overdyed. It looks amazing and fading beautifully.

Fashion Designer
Since 2023
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What do I do at Psylo?
I design specifically for the women clothes, I as well help our Quality Control and Production Teams to ensure everything is good before production execution.
Past experience:
I have been working as a fashion designer and textile print designer for more than a decade for some international brands/fashion houses.
What I like about working at Psylo:
Psylo thinks outside the box
My background:
I studied fashion design in Jakarta, then moved to Bali 2011 to work as a fashion designer and painter.
The values that drive me:
Appreciation, loyalty, and creativity
What I enjoy doing when not working:
I am an artist and a painter. When I'm not working I paint or at exhibitions.
Favorite quote:
"Look for what you notice but no one else sees”
Favourite book:
"Neverwhere" by Neil Gaiman
Favorite music:
Anything with a touch of blues/soul, disco, funk, Ethiopian jazz, and techno.
Favorite Psylo:
Offina Mini Skirt
Our Bali Shops Team

Sales Advisor, Petitenget
Since 2013
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What do I do at Psylo?
Clean the shop every shift, take care of the front garden, helping customers, etc
Past experience:
I started at a jewellery shop for 4 years, worked at Interior Design Company for a year, then in the fashion industry until now at Psylo for 10 years.
What I like about working at Psylo:
Good teamwork, I love meeting customers from around the world and learning about their style and language.
Something that Psylo's customers have to deal with, that I want to fix:
New Collection come in stock a bit late
My background:
A Mother of 2
The values that drive me:
Honesty, Respect, Diversity
What I enjoy doing when not working:
Cooking, Quality time with my kids and husband and enjoy the day
Favorite quote:
"Be happy, not because everything is good, but because you can see the good side of everything.”
Favourite books/podcasts:
Homemade recipes, fashion & style and interior design books.
Favourite music:
I enjoy listening to Dangdut Koplo, Classical Music, Rap Hip Hop my favourite musicians is Happy Asmara Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Celine Dion, Iwake
Favourite festivals:
I’m not into festivals
Favourite Psylo:
Idonea Pants, Jiva Pants, Pickpocket Pants, Gretel Leggings, Eka Rmx Top

Sales Advisor, Petitenget
Since 2019
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What do I do at Psylo?
My work is focused on direct contact with clients. My daily routine is helping customers find the right size, advising on the right color, explaining the details and collections. We always try to give a unique experience for our customers, too.
Past experience:
I’ve been working with sales and customer service for over 7 years at the Mall.
What I like about working at Psylo:
Every day I meet different people, with different needs and from background. Between advising on outfits it’s a good moment when you can chat with them.
Something that Psylo's customers have to deal with, that I want to fix:
Some customers are a bit bigger and they find it harder to fit in.
My background:
Sales Marketing
The values that drive me:
Integrity, responsibility, compassion
What I enjoy doing when not working:
Meeting my friends, listening to music, and selling meat in the traditional market
Favorite quote:
"The purpose of our lives is to be happy”
Top 3 favorite book authors:
- Jika Kita Tak Pernah Baik-Baik Saja – Alvi Syahrin.
- Guru Aini – Andrea Hirata.
- Jika Kita Tak Pernah Jadi Apa-Apa – Alvi Syahrin.
Favourite music:
Scorpion, UB40, Dangdut music is my country.
Favourite festivals:
The last festival I went was Indonesia Fashion Week and Denpasar Festival. Too busy to go to festivals right now.
Favourite Psylo:
Storm Legging, Magic Sweater, Stellar Rmx Skirt, BFB Top, and many many many more.

Sales Advisor, Petitenget
Since 2018
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What do I do at Psylo?
My daily routine is selling and explaining about the products to every customer who comes in to the store, helping them find the right size and colour. I also like to keep the store clean, so customers can feel comfortable and welcome.
Past experience:
Sales and marketing at a fashion shop
What I like about working at Psylo:
I have been learning so much, gaining experience and meeting new people that I feel connection to.
Something that Psylo's customers have to deal with, that I want to fix:
Sometime customers are a little confused about the size we have, sometimes they do not fit enough.
My background:
I grew up in Bali, and I started as part-time at Psylo when I was still in high school. I’m a proud to be a part of the Psylo team.
The values that drive me:
Struggle for livin.
What I enjoy doing when not working:
Spending my time with family, children, and go to mall.
Favorite quote:
"Don't spend your whole life without enjoying it because you will regret it when you look back”
Favorite books/podcasts:
Sepotong Senja untuk Pacarku karya Seno Gumira Adjidarma Rindu karya Tere Liye Kami (Bukan) Sarjana Kertas karya J.S Khairen
Favourite music:
Dangdut, koplo and EDM
Favourite festivals:
Pesta Kesenian Bali
Favourite Psylo:

Sales Advisor, Canggu
Since 2022
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What do I do at Psylo?
I handle every customer that comes in the store to give the best shopping experience.
Past experience:
I’ve been working as a salles and customer service for over 8 years at a different company. I’ve learned many things, not just a selling technique. I learnt more about customer types,for example knowing their mood is one important thing to get on with them. It’s important to know how to talk with customers, so we can understand what they’re is looking for, what are their needs, what’s their style, and more.
What I like about working at Psylo:
Meeting people from different countries all around the world
My background:
Culinary School.
The values that drive me:
My family
Something that Psylo's customers have to deal with, that I want to fix:
Our customers love our style but they need more new styles - some regular customers are always asking for the new style. But when they look around, our collection same as the last they came to the store. If we have new collections more regularly it will be good for them.
What I enjoy doing when not working:
Going fishing with my hubby , or watching some movie with my little girl is a good time ever.
Favourite quote:
“The only way to do great work is to love what you do”
Top 3 favourite books:
- - Death note by Tsugumi Ohba
- One Piece by Eiichiro Oda
- Boku no Hero Academia by Kohei Horikhosi
Favourite music:
The Script, Black Pink, One Ok Rock, This Wild Life, Sam Smith, Treasure, Bruno Mars,
Favourite festivals:
Soundrenaline and AFA-Anime Festival Asia
Favourite Psylos:

Sales Advisor, Petitenget
Since 2022
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What do I do at Psylo?
General cleaning in the morning, gardening & taking care of the greens, customer service, stockroom responsible, garment care, delivery checking, display, daily report, stock purchase, visual merchandising, making sure the whole shop operation runs correctly, receive and responsible for office order.
Past experience:
My early career started with photography. I worked at a studio for about a year, before moving to retail. Since then I've been assisting in a retail company for media & tech, and in the fashion field for about 5 years now.
What I like about working at Psylo:
Meeting people from all around the world with different styles, vibes, and energy. It can be challenging but it's always a fun time assisting fashion enthusiasts.
Something that Psylo's customers have to deal with, that I want to fix:
Sizes. Sometimes customers are really into the design of a specific item and that's very unfortunate if the sizes were too tight too long too big or don't fit at all. I would love for them to have the Psylo fashion experience in full effect.
My background:
Multimedia Computer.
The values that drive me:
Respect, Creativity, Kindness
What I enjoy doing when not working:
Art gallery, content creating, style and visualizing, sightseeing, coffee shop, and lately I'm interested in joining the dance class here as I love moving with some catchy, upbeat music.
Favorite quote:
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not”
Favorite books/podcasts:
The Places That Scares You by Pema Chodron The Boy - The Mole, The Fox and The Horse by Charlie Mackesy - The Power of Hope by Julian Melgosa, Michelson Borges
Favourite music:
Various, when it sounds good, and I feel good that’s my kind of music. The 1975, Post Malone, James Arthur, SZA, Ariana Grande, NIKI
Favourite festivals:
We The Fest, Djakarta Warehouse Project, Soundrenaline, Ultra Bali
Favourite Psylo:

Sales Advisor, Canggu
Since 2023
- ◄more about
What do I do at Psylo?
Having fun dressing people from all over the world
Past experience:
Sales & Marketing
What I like about working at Psylo:
I love the concept, style and culture. Knowing people from different countries around the world. Sharing and respecting each other.
My background:
I am the youngest son of 4 siblings. I love art, music, and fashion for a lifestyle so much, making friends from around the world for connection.
The values that drive me:
Humble and respect.
Something that Psylo's customers have to deal with, that I want to fix:
Don’t block your mind and heart. Let us share the positive vibes together.
What I enjoy doing when not working:
Spending my time with family is the important thing. Go to the beach, skateboarding, go to the rock’n’roll bar, listen to music, painting some media that I can paint and share a beer with friends.
Favourite quote:
“Life is a journey, enjoy the trip.”
Top 3 favourite books/podcasts:
- Peaky Blinders by Carl Chinn
- Madilog by Tan Malaka
- Max Haveelar by Multatuli
Favourite music:
I love Rock n Roll. Black Sabbath, Motorhead, Slayer, and some Psychedelic Stoner Doom.
Favourite festivals:
Rock festival
Favourite Psylo items:
It’s hard to choose. Off Vest, Tracks Pants, and of course some accessories.
Our London + Online Team

Customer Care
Since 2011
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What do I do at Psylo?
Follow up with customers & online store orders.
What I like about working at Psylo:
What I love most about my job is the sense of family around our workplace.
My background:
After graduating from uni, i let myself to leave the nest and follow up my dreams ... I'm dreaming with Psylo since I met this lovely crew. Thank you for making it real Psylo!
The values that drive me:
Honesty, Hard Work, Confidence, Perseverance.
What I enjoy doing when not working:
I enjoy all things outdoors. I love to take my young family outside to experience nature.
Favourite quote:
"May the force be with you!"
Top 3 favourite books:
- Bagavatgita
- Siddhartha
- The Alchemist
Favourite music:
Favourite festivals:
Favourite Psylo:
Turban Beanie Bam Bam!

Email & Web
Since 2009
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What do I do at Psylo?
I've been a Sales Advisor at Psylo London, Manager at Psylo Playa, and helped open our shops in Vienna and Ibiza. Since 2016 working on our online presence, currently on email and website, mainly.
Past experience:
I studied BA Design at Goldsmith and currently a Masters in cultural studies. Both are interdisciplinary courses that give a good experience in thinking out of the box and varied roles at Psylo.
What I like about working at Psylo:
The people working at Psylo - they're all my extended family :)
My background:
I grew up in Jerusalem, and been living in London since 2004. I also lived in Playa del Carmen for a year - when we opened our shop there!
The values that drive me:
Treat everyone fairly and kindly - same as I would like myself to be treated. Tread lightly on our planet, respecting ALL life and our environment alike.
What I enjoy doing when not working:
Traveling!!! And also yoga, swimming, reading, and of course - festivals ;)
Favorite quote:
"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without."
Top 3 favorite book authors:
- Gabriel Garcia Marquez
- Amos Oz
- Philip K. Dick
Favorite music:
Bob Marley, Pink Floyd, The Cure, Ninja Tunes, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, PJ Harvey, Nicholas Jaar, Nicola Cruz, Modselektor, Grouch, Boris Brejcha, Nirvana, My Baby, Infected Mushroom (early stuff!!!), NU, Four Tet, Tetrameth, Bjork, Leonard Cohen, Nina Simone and plenty more...!
Favorite festivals:
Noisily, Ozora, Doof, Solclipse (Turkey 2006), Glade, The Secret Garden Party
Favorite Psylo:
So hard to choose! Short Leggings, Grega Dress, Hi5 Skirt, Virgo Vest

Retail & Head Office Manager
Since 2013
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What do I do at Psylo?
I manage our office and retail in London, and I try to be as helpful as possible with all the company activities.
Past experience:
I was actually an architect, specialising in city planning. I always had a big interest for arts, graphics and alternative culture. I've been a graphic editor for glamour journals and I also managed a tattoo store before I moved to London.
What I like about working at Psylo:
In Psylo I can freely express myself and my opinions. I feel trusted and in a healthy environment.
My background:
I come from Naples and for this my background is centered on art and family.
The values that drive me:
Honesty, loyalty, dedication.
What I enjoy doing when not working:
Yoga, photography, friends and movies.
Favourite quote:
“No effort is ever wasted”
Top 3 favourite books:
- "It" by Stephen King
- All the bibliography of Andrea Camilleri
- "My Brilliant Friend" from È. Ferrante
Favourite music:
Punk, Metal, Tekno Tribe, Hip-Hop, New and Dark Wave. I can’t live without Cure, Metallica, System of a Down, Spiral Tribe.
Favourite festivals:
Not really, I still belong to the “free party” crowd ;)
Favourite Psylo:

Sales Advisor
Since 2019
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What do I do at Psylo?
I’m working as a Sales Advisor so my work is focused on direct contact with the client. My daily routine is dealing with customers and helping them finding the right sizes, advising the right color, explaining the details and collections. We trying to give a unique experience for our customers as well. Our customers visiting our stores many times are asking about the philosophy of our company or how we called the style...then is a moment when we can chat about the production and our values.
Past experience:
I’ve been working with sales and customers service for over 10 years, working in different locations - Spain, Poland, Germany and in London. From all of my previous jobs I took something and learnt a lot, not only about the products, sales technique but how to deal with people and their special needs.
What I like about working at Psylo:
Every day I meet different people, with different needs and background, between advising the outfits it's a moment when you can chat with the customers. Many times the topic goes to another directions, we start to talk about music, festivals or gigs...It's the best part of the day! :)
Something that Psylo's customers have to deal with, that I want to fix:
Our customers love our style, but some of them are not fitting with our sizes, specially people wearing bigger sizes. We have a lot of customers coming and asking direct for the biggest sizes we have. Having more bigger sizes in the stock would be great!
My background:
I've studied Music Eduction in University of Zielona Gora in Poland.
The values that drive me:
What I enjoy doing when not working:
Going to live music gigs, making pictures, and going for a yoga class is one of my favorite things to do ;)
Favorite quote:
"Time is a river the irresistible flow of all created things one thing no sooner comes into view than it is hurried past and another takes its place only to be swept away in turn" Ten Minutes Older:The Trumpet by Marcus Aurelius
Top 3 favorite book authors:
- ,”Just Kids" by Patti Smith
- ,”Alexander McQueen: Blood Beneath the Skin" by Andrew Wilson
- ”Desperdo.Autobiography" Tomasz Stańko
Favourite music:
The Cure, Nick cave and bad seeds, Depeche Mode, Pj Harvey, Radiohead, Massive Attack, Patti Smith, TOOL, Defotnes, Iggy Pop, Swans, Bauhaus, Dead Can Dance, Ritual Howls, Lebanon Hanover, Sisters of Mercy, Kronos Quartet
Favourite festivals:
Punkt eklektik session festival, Wroclaw, Poland
Meltdown Festival, London, UK
Primavera Sound, Barcelona, Spain
Favourite Psylo:
Shula Skirt, Dogon Hoodie Light Jacket, Kali Leggings, Pipa Cap

Sales Advisor
Since 2022
- ◄more about
What do I do at Psylo?
I’m helping and suggesting people to choose the items that best suit their size and style
Past experience:
8 year of selling in Camden Market.
What I like about working at Psylo:
The team is fantastic and everything is really well organise
My background:
Fashion and shoes design, jewellery makers , and now I’m a fine art student
The values that drive me:
Love nature and what is evolving to amplify my conscience
What I enjoy doing when not working:
I love chilling with my partner and my dog , and I love to do art with recycling materials
Favorite quote:
"Carpe diem”
Favorite books/podcasts:
Quantum Magic
Favourite music:
Ethnic afro electronic, psy trance, rock
Favourite festivals:
Ozora festival is the best psychedelic festival on a earth
Favourite Psylo:
I love the skirts and leg warmers

Sales Advisor
Since 2019
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What do I do at Psylo?
Bringing a positive attitude and good vibes to make our shop a place where our Customers (and even a member of the staff) feel free to ask for advice, info about our products. And more important think I love the brand and I’m wearing it with pride, and I think it shows.
Past experience:
I’ve been working with customer service for the past 10 years, half of those in the UK and I can say that I get enough experience to recognise at first time which kind of customers I’m working with and how to approach them, whatever they are foreigners, locals or tourists; without being rude or too oppressive, or either make them feel lost or ignored.
What I like about working at Psylo:
The Vibes and the ethics behind. That we are trying to be a small family, selling a product that I’m actually wearing when I’m not a work.
My background:
I come from a small town in Tuscany (Italy), I moved in my twenties to the main city of the area and a few years ago I felt that was the right time to move to London, where I could open to all the different cultures, improve my English and opened my horizons. And carry on my hobbies and passions, like Traveling, Photography, Art and Performances.
The values that drive me:
Respect - Passion - Creativity and the belief that life is not meaningless but a chance for us to open our mind and spirit to new adventure.
Something that Psylo's customers have to deal with, that I want to fix:
In my short time with Psylo I could only notice that customers sometimes have to walk from fitting room to the mirror barefoot and the floor is cold and doesn’t look the best, I will suggest a carpet to give a more comfortable and warmer atmosphere.
Another thing that I notice is that Customers do not have a full view of our collection, some of our items (like t-shirt in the clothing rails) became almost invisible to them, and unfortunately is something that is very hard to achieve in a shop like our, and We are dealing already as our best to display our collection, but of course, the items with a frontal view became our best seller and the one in the rails, especially the one very busy, kind of lost.
What I enjoy doing when not working:
I’m training myself in aerial circus and I practice yoga every day. I normally go to some exhibition or to see some performance. Love spending time with friends, music and books.
Favourite quote:
“Find out who you are and do it on purpose”
Top 3 favourite books:
- "The House of the Spirits" by Isabel Allende
- "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" by Milan Kundera
- "Siddhartha" by Herman Hesse
Favourite music:
My playlists are full of different kinds of music:
- Tribal, Cumbia and Tropical Bass and Psytrance (Kumbia Queer, Skip & Die, Merkaba)
- Post-punk, New Wave and Dark Wave (Joy division, Siouxie & The Banshees, Bauhaus)
- Techno
Favourite festivals:
I’ve been to O.Z.O.R.A. and some live-music festivals where New Wave bands were playing, but I don’t have any favorite one.
Favourite Psylo items:
Shinobi Hoodie Jacket, Baggy Sweater, Diablo Pants - that’s my favourite outfit! With some nice accessories of course, like Pecoa Legwarmers, Tribal RMX Belt and Maya Gloves.

Warehouse & Support
- ◄more about
What do I do at Psylo?
Replenishments, inventory and sending orders ,quality control, receiving deliveries, tidying storage ,fixing stuff...
Past experience:
I've been a loyal Camden citizen for many years. Worked in other shops in the market.
What I like about working at Psylo:
I like the style first of all and it is a friendly atmosphere.
The values that drive me:
Love & peace.
What I enjoy doing when not working:
Playing music, drawing, tattooing, taking care of my kid.
Favourite quote:
“The best to do is to do your best”
Favourite music:
Music played by people. Favourite musicians depend on my mood...
Top 3 favourite books:
Siddhartha, The Alchemist, biographies
Favourite Psylo:
The Groovy Pants - I love it!>

Festivals Queen
Since 2007
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What do I do at Psylo?
I'm the "mama" of the Psylo shop at festivals. I manage the stall and help customers find their best outfits for themselves.
Past experience:
I love working with people and have been a salesperson since a young age. I also love festivals and have been working in the scene since 2002.
What I like about working at Psylo:
For me, it's a lifestyle more than a job. I respect the values driving Psylo and the cultural inspirations from around the world. The clothes are beautiful, different, chic and thoughtful. I also enjoy meeting lots of people and having a shot of Tequila while helping them find their best outfits.
Something that Psylo's customers have to deal with, that I want to fix:
Bigger sizes and easier payment options at festivals.
My background:
Born in a village and grew up in Jerusalem, Israel. I studied Art, silversmithing and fashion, as well as a tour guide course. I left Israel in 2000 and have been a nomad ever since.
The values that drive me:
Freedom, equality and respect.
What I enjoy doing when not working:
Socialising, eating and of course - partying.
Favorite quote:
"Love and let live"
Top 3 favorite books/authors:
- Little Women
- Michelle Walbeck
- Kafka on the Shore -Murakami
Favorite music:
David Bowie, classic rock and psychedelic music
Favorite festivals:
I love them ALL! Especially Doof Festival (Israel), Glastonbury, Ozora, Glade (UK), Karacus Marakus (Goa).
Favorite Psylo:
Zohara Dress (super old skool and still my fave!), Triple Pants, Slanted Cap
Our Playa + Tulum Team

Mexico Manager
Since 2016
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What do I do at Psylo?
I welcome and help people - it’s fascinating seeing all the different people that walk through our door! I love making them feel comfortable inside the shop and have a good time while shopping. I also explain about Psylo, who we are and where we come form, and invite to try our clothes or accessories, to experience the style and fabrics.
Past experience:
For many years, I was working as a bartender at festivals and clubs here in Playa del Carmen and Tulum, and in my free time mixing as a DJ in some clubs, too. This gave me the experience to communicate and serve people, and I like it.
What I like about working at Psylo:
I love meeting all the different people that come into the shop every day. It’s a job, but its a place where you can have a really nice time getting to know people and having lots of different conversations everyday. It also help me to practice my English ;) I enjoy working with my friends here, and a very big plus for me is always listening to nice music during our shifts!!
Something that Psylo's customers have to deal with, that I want to fix:
I love helping our customers with sizing & styling advices.
My background:
I studied music production, and worked for many years at some parties, festivals and clubs as bartender/mixology and DJ. Also used to play the bass in some bands when I was younger, so basically it`s all about the music!! I moved to Playa del Carmen from Mexico City in 2012, and was a bar manager and DJ resident at club Dolores, before being part of the Psylo family.
The values that drive me:
Honesty, Friendship, Loyalty, Empathy, Care about each other, Respect
What I enjoy doing when not working:
Music most of the time, I also like to enjoy time with my friends, family, going out to party, food, my home and my dog.
Favorite quote:
"With every mistake, we must be sure we have learned"
Top 3 favorite book authors:
- Veronica decide morir
- Las plantas de los dioses
- Las enseñanzas de Don Juan
Favourite music:
Radiohead , Pink Floyd, Puscifer, The Prodigy, Modeselektor, Nicolas Jaar, King Crimson and tons of electronic music, rock and roll, dub, trip hop, techno, etc...
Favourite festivals:
Mutek .Ommix raves
Favourite Psylo:
Shinobi Jacket, Baba Shorts, Mogul Shorts, Ikat Shorts, Travel Pockets Belt, Bogolan Jumper, Jiva Pants...

Since 2014
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What do I do at Psylo?
I help with admin.
What I like about working at Psylo:
The ambiance and vibes
My background:
Born in Mexico City, I moved to Cancun when I was 8yo, and to Playa 8 years ago. I am easy going but also love deep conversations, and always trying to keep calm in all situations. Cats-lover.
The values that drive me:
Good vibes, motivation, smiling.
Something that Psylo's customers have to deal with, that I want to fix:
sizes, sizes for big hips.
What I enjoy doing when not working:
Going to the beach, camping, going out with friends, cuddling my cat, playing guitar, reading, love watching documentaries about everything, etc...
Favorite quote:
"Shanti Shanti"
Top 3 favorite book authors:
- La Dama de las Camelias
- The Power of Now
- La voz del Silencio
Favorite music:
Rock, alternative, Mantras, latin, 60´s, etc. Beatles, George harrison, Janis, etc
Favorite Psylo:

Sales Advisor
Since 2014
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What do I do at Psylo?
Depends on the location or the season: manger or seller. I’ve been working with Psylo Mexico, Ibiza, Festivals… doing a little bit of everything - selling, managing, training people, sharing good vibes, music and smiles.
Past experience:I studied communications and worked in advertisement for many years. One day, I decided to quit everything and move to the beach. I started working as a seller and the rest is history…
What I like about working at Psylo:
The vibe, the music, the lifestyl , the people that you get to meet in the shop , the family values and vibe all share and also working in festivals
My background:
I’m Mexican, lived most of my life in Mexico City with my parents and my big brother. I studied communications and for 7 years I worked in advertisement in different agencies around DF. Five years ago I decided to start a new adventure, quit everything and moved to Playa del Carmen. As part of that big change one day looking for a job opportunity I found Psylo on my way and that’s where I met Yael, the Psylo Playa manager at that time. And here I am :)
The values that drive me:
Honesty, love, respect
What I enjoy doing when not working:
Listen to music , partying, traveling, yoga
Favorite quote:
"We don’t have discounts sir” jiji / “Another day in paradise"
Top 3 favorite book authors:
- Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage
- The Teachings of Don Juan
- The Little Prince
Favorite music:
Rodhad, Robag Wruhme, Modeselktor, Apparat, Pink Floyd
Favorite festival:
Boom, Ozora, Dekmantel, Dgtl
Favorite Psylo:

Sales Advisor
Since 2022
- ◄more about
What do I do at Psylo?
I welcome the customers with a smile and make their experience one of a kind.
What I like about working at Psylo:
I love my team and the vibe that Psylo has
My background:
I have a passion for fashion
The values that drive me:
Honesty, trust and equity
Something that Psylo's customers have to deal with, that I want to fix:
Not big enough sizes.
What I enjoy doing when not working:
I love working out, dancing and all types of body movement, I love to draw and lay for hours at the beach.
Favourite quote:
”Es inmenso el suelo, camínalo con fuego, es inmenso el suelo, camínalo con corazón”
Top 3 favourite books/podcasts:
- Demasiadas vidas, muchos maestros - Brian Weiss
- Mátate amor- Ariana Harwicz
- We were liars - E. Lockhart
Favourite music:
Anyone that can make me dance
Favourite festival/s:
Bahidora, Ceremonia, Boom, Ozora
Favourite Psylo:
I love the Pecoa Hooded Shurg and the Atlantis Dress, also the Mudra Tunic and the Karma Kaftan.

Sales Advisor
Since 2021
- ◄more about
What do I do at Psylo?
Help people from all around the world to choose their perfect outfit for that fun day
What I like about working at Psylo:
I like what I sell… I like meeting people and I like my teamwork
What I enjoy doing when not working:
I like spending time with my family and with my friends.. travel sometimes.
Favorite Psylo:
Hi5 Skirt and Imma Kaftan

Ana Flow
Sales Advisor
Since 2016
- ◄more about
What do I do at Psylo?
Fashion Advisor. My goal is for the costumer to find their outfits depending on their personal character.
What I like about working at Psylo:
I Like the freedom of being able to be AND with this same freedom helping costumers find clothes that they feels themseves in!
The values that drive me:
Artistic creativity, Respect, Freedom, Honesty
Something that Psylo's customers have to deal with, that I want to fix:
Have larger sizes in everything, not just for very thin people, and may restocks arrive on time.
What I enjoy doing when not working:
Im a very artistic person AND what I Am most passionate of Is being DJ, I love to play AND connect people with music, also im addicted to fashion.
Favourite quote:
“Trust the Process, Elevation requires separation”
Top 3 favourite books/podcasts:
Atomic Habits - The power of Now - The mysteries of the Personality
Favourite music:
I love electronic music and my favorite genres are: Progressive House, Minimal and Techno
Favorite festival:
Sonar, Mutek, Burning Man, Boom Festival
Favourite Psylo:
Onomik Kimono, Karma Kaftan, Basque Vest, Lama Pants, Deck Pants, Idonea Pants

Luis Adrián Olivares Talavera
Sales Advisor
Since 2022
- ◄more about
What do I do at Psylo?
I immerse costumers in Psylo’s Trip, helping them find their own style
Past experience:
I was working at Sephora as a product consultant and MUA
What I like about working at Psylo:
Finding gypsy souls on the road
My background:
I love create art, fashion and feel free
The values that drive me:
Respect, empathy, responsibility
What I enjoy doing when not working:
I love enjoying on the beach, the sun and my love ones <3
Favourite quote:
“Cada presente es perfecto y tener la conciencia de que este presente es un regalo, es la verdadera bendición”
Top 3 favourite books/podcasts:
Sabiduría Psicodélica, Un mundo Feliz - Aldous Huxley, Salvemos al amor - Yohana García
Favourite music:
Lady Gaga, Lana del Rey, René Pérez
Favourite Psylo:
Ash Kilt Wrap Skirt, Kimo Pants, Aqua Pants, Blended Sleeveless Tee, Kuan Top

Sales Advisor
Since 2022
- ◄more about
What do I do at Psylo?
Sell to and talk with customers, help them, get to know them
What I like about working at Psylo:
That you are free to be yourself
The values that drive me:
Emapathy, Punctuality, Honesty
Something that Psylo's customers have to deal with, that I want to fix:
Bigger sizes for bigger people...
What I enjoy doing when not working:
Excersising, going to the beach, listening to music
Favourite quote:
“It’s never enough.”
Favourite music:
Favourite Psylo:
Our Ko Samui Team

Thailand Manager
Since 2015
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What do I do at Psylo?
Make sure everything in the shop runs smoothly, ordering new collections, stock control, etc...
Past experience:
I was a Shop supervisor at Replay, Dubai Mall before.
What I like about working at Psylo:
Family-like working relationships. I also feel that my own contributions help Psylo grow - which is a great feeling!
My background:
I have a Master's Degree in Automation Engineering.
The values that drive me:
Respect others, Listen and hear, Enjoy the life and Be kind - people will pay you back the same!
Something that Psylo's customers have to deal with, that I want to fix:
Regular customers asks for old collection like cuts of the clothes.Let's make it happen ;)
What I enjoy doing when not working:
Meeting my friends, having some times for myself to enjoy the beautiful place where I live.
Favourite music:
Ahmed Kilic, Phaxe, Depeche Mode
Favourite festivals:
Half Moon at Phangan and Black Moon at Koh Samui.
Favourite Psylo:
Triple Pants, Baba Shorts, Off Jacket, Tilted Jumper for men, and Virgo Vest, Hua Bra Top, Stellar Dress, Onomik Kimono, and so many more...

Sales Advisor
Since 2020
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What do I do at Psylo?
Make Psylo like it is my home
Past experience:
I have worked in the restaurant before but i love in service job and working at Psylo shop is my pleasure
What I like about working at Psylo:
Every day we will meet a lots of peoples cone to the shop we talk with them and we knows many stories from them and then we got a new friends from all around the world
Something that Psylo's customers have to deal with, that I want to fix:
They are should be happy when they come to shipping and receive the great purchase
My background:
I’m Thai and I came to worked at Samui island 3years before but not started job at Psylo shop but next to each other there were the restaurants every day I looked at the sign of Psylo and after that 9month I got the job at Psylo shop🥰and now I love Psylo❤️
The values that drive me:
Make the life be happy every day
What I enjoy doing when not working:
I prefer to go to the beach and swimming
Favourite music:
Pop, R&B, Justin Bieber, Ed Sheeran…
Favourite festivals:
Favourite Psylo:

Sales Advisor
Since 2022
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What do I do at Psylo?
Sales, and communicate with people.
Past experience:
I used to work as Pharmacist assistance.
What I like about working at Psylo:
The lovely vibration.
What I enjoy doing when not working:
Stay tune to nature by going to the pier and taking a deep breath. Listening to podcasts or music that lead me to nice vibe.
Favorite quote:
"Stay in the Love vibe."
Top 3 favorite book authors:
- Papa You're Crazy by Willian Saroyan
- Ask and It Is Given by Esther Hicks
- The Old Man and The Sea by Hemingway
Favourite music:
Jazz, Blue jazz, Blue
Favourite festivals:
Theatre festival.
Favourite Psylo:
Happy to see Tehila, with whom we had partying at Doof and many other festivals, as well my virtual supporters number one in the world – Yael and Deniz! Love you girls, may you be happy in life!
Everything I’ve purchased from Psylo for my fiancée in the past 8 years has been absolutely stunning! It started off by us finding the Psylo store in Playa and we filled a suitcase then. Over the years the styles haven’t ceased to amaze us and the new styles just keep coming! It’s nice to have been able to put faces to those I’ve heard from and corresponded with in the past. Thank you to all your employees for putting out such wonderful styled clothing and hoping to see more styles coming out soon!
Ciao siete fantastici continuate cosi Amazing
So lovely to meet your extensive team – more importantly to put a face to beautiful Deniz and Yael who have helped me so much on my recent order.
Love and light to you all,
How nice to see the faces behind the names and see such an interesting team. Lovely that such a cool and ethical company exists. Thanks for sharing
Dawn xx