Here at Psylo we believe that style should be an individual expression of one's creativity. As long as our designers are concerned - in fashion, there are no rules! Over the years, we've consistently created styles that fit both men and women. For example, our Tilted Rmx Jumper or Metal Jacket have been always worn by people who love these unique styles, regardless of their gender. It was only out of display necessity at our shops - that we divided the Psylo collection into separate women’s and men’s lines. With our design team always envisioning Psylo clothing as non-binary, designing a full gender-fluid streetwear line was a natural progression, really. Moreover, we believe that gender-fluid clothes can benefit all of us by reducing “fashion-anxiety”.... We’ve also noticed that generally, women were finding it easier to wear men’s clothing, than the other way around. Which is why, So we made it a priority to consider everybody in designing a non-binary collection. Plus, in recent years we see greater acceptance of people to be who they define themselves as. So it felt the perfect moment to celebrate Psylo’s unisex styles, and dedicate to them a gender-fluid streetwear line.
Fa wearing Kuan Top, Northern Skirted Pants and the Centipede Glove by Costume Therapy
Designing also means responding to change. Back at the start of 2020, when we started designing this new non-binary line, it’s launch was planned for summer. But when our world slowed-down earlier this year, our design team decided to go with the flow…. To make the most of any situation we felt we must embrace it. So we slowed down too. Giving longer time for releasing each style enabled us to dive deeper. To truly connect, experiment, re-twick, iterate, and arrive at best-thought out designs.
Like many other Psylo collections, a wide-angled oriental picture has been the main source of inspiration for this new unisex line. From India to Japan and everything in between, Psylo designers were inspired most with the tribal expressions of these places, and infused those with a little urban 2020 vibe.... In that special mix which became a signature of the Psylo style.
“I was more concerned with agility and mobility and a sense of comfort in this collection, again maybe since it's been such a year of struggle for everyone I just wanted things to be simple and joyful...even a little help maybe to escape into another character through the clothes and be a superhero for a while...or a ninja....or a highland warrior where you're in charge and confident and feel like you can make a difference! :)” - Shoki, Psylo Designer
The fabrics used in realizing this new unisex clothing line are also part of a natural Psylo progression over recent years. These days our designers prefer working more with non-stretch fabrics. Although as always we incorporate the stretch jersey/Lycra/bamboo/terry. For the unisex collection we played with a whole variety of textures, since the designs are so varied and so fit a range of fabrics. Psylo’s favorite fabric at the moment is our cotton linen because it can be shaped a lot more than stretchy fabrics. Plus, it’s 100% natural fabric and has lovely textures!
Fa and Nariman wearing Alum Vest, Quantum Shirt & G Pants
To present you with this new exciting collection, the Psylo design studio created a special lookbook we’ll be sharing very soon. Encompassing a moment in time, this lookbook was taken on the empty streets of Kuta. Choosing this unique location to shoot in, well it just made perfect sense. In our old world a photo shoot in overcrowded, never-asleep Kuta would've been impossible, with hoards of tourists at all times and noise and traffic to boot. It was very strange to see Kuta so empty, after more than 2 decades here it felt weirdly apocalyptic yet Bali-style all the same... You can choose what you see, and we chose to see the beauty and rawness of an old land that was finally free to breathe in peace and quiet, even if just for a short time.

Fa wearing Quantum Shirt & G Pants | Nariman wearing Ice Baggy Sweater & G Pants
It is a classic shoot, one of our favorites! It was eerie yet flowing so smoothly. Working together with our loyal crew, we also got to work with Fa (@favelamunk on IG) for this lookbook, which we’ve wanted for a long time. It felt like home and everything just fitted so right! Shoki, Psylo’s designer, had the idea for the piano because honestly when preparing for the shoot, she'd go down to Kuta to scout locations, and constantly hear classical music in her head. It was such a contrast. It was perfect. Shoki wanted to portray it somehow in the visuals. And the violin Fa is holding - belongs to Shoki’s father from more than half a century ago. So it felt extra special having it in part of the photos.
Today, we’re delighted to share with you the first styles from this unique gender-fluid line. Be the first to grab a new Psylo and escape to a better reality with us